who is Johnnie boden?

Sometimes you just have to tell someone straight - what it is you’d love to do -see if it chimes.

So I was sitting on the loo reading a Boden catalogue addressed to Esther and I thought - “If Boden can do this in print, what might it be like in film?”

So I ran upstairs and wrote to Johnnie Boden and said just that - including the phrase “I was just sitting on the loo…

20 minutes later he replied, we met and 7 years work began. So far we’ve made over 40 films for them, including this one.

He said “What do I need to do to be understood by people?” I said “Take me to the things and places you love and care about” and over the next 12 months he did. It made my life very easy because he was always excited to go where we went and always full of life on camera.”

I can honestly say I have loved getting to know this man and he’s had huge influence on our company.