I remember watching these courageous Kurdish YPJ fighters facing up to the Islamic State against all the odds in Kobani. I felt I wanted to go to places in the aftermath of war and honour those who had suffered or stood strong against oppression - give them a hug, take them for lunch.

    I pictured gathering all kinds of people in a big hall and spending the afternoon together chatting, listening, eating, drinking and who knows even dancing together.

    To bring a taste of the kingdom of God to places that seemed to have lost all that was good. Mosul, Homs, Kabul and now probably Mariopol etc.

    That is literally top of my bucket list and I hope that can happen, in some way, at some point.


    I know there’s a well worn saying “Mind your own business.” but when I go into businesses, or experience them as a customer, I always have this feeling that I could help make them better.

    In my brand work, I’m exposed to a wide range of businesses, charities etc. and I stay in a lot of hotels and eat in a lot of restaurants.

    I’d love to have a consultancy-type business where I simply go into an organisation and spend time observing the company, chatting with staff, interviewing customers properly and then just suggesting things that I feel could make a real difference.

    I find it’s often just releasing things that have become trapped, like suggestions, creative ideas, and fresh ways of doing things. Businesses, just like people get stuck with things that once helped but now hinder.


    We were building a pig pen out in the field one day and I asked a friend of mine if he wanted to bring his sons along.

    They duly arrived and when I asked them whether they would like to ‘dig’ or ‘hammer’ they looked at me as if to say ‘How on earth would we know how to do those things?’

    It turned out they loved computer games.

    Now each to their own, but it triggered a desire in me to create a new form of school one day which would enable kids to become confident and capable of actually doing things not just filling them with “head knowledge” in order that they would pass exams.


    I used to take golf far too seriously - at the age of 16 I had a handicap of 4 - but the fun went out of it.

    What I prefer to do now is play with a few friends where we just take the mick out of each other pretty well constantly and don’t worry too much about keeping the score.

    So the dream would be to go for a long weekend somewhere in Spain or Portugal where everything is taken care of - to play golf, drink beer and laugh our guts out.


    We bought some land at the back of our house 10 years ago - it was the site of the old Edenbridge Sewage Works. For years it was used as a dump for everything from farm implements to coke cans.

    I have a feeling, a longing perhaps, that one day these tanks will be transformed into an amazing place and it’s just possible we will live there. The view is amazing.


    I was flying home from a ski trip just after lockdown and on one of the worst journeys I've had in years, I suddenly got this feeling that our little town of Edenbridge would be famous in five years’ time for all the right reasons.

    I still believe it now and can begin to see signs of it emerging. What a vision to pursue, I so love the idea.


    I’ve had this dream for a while now that one day I will make a movie in Edenbridge with and for the people of the town. The strap-line …

    “Edenbridge the Movie - it took a whole town to make it.”

    I have pictured many of the scenes happening in amongst all the different streets and buildings and surrounding countryside.

    I feel that all the resources we need, talent, creativity, locations and props already exist in the town - it is just waiting for the right moment to connect them all together and then light the touch paper!


    Before lockdown a door opened for us to go into Wandsworth prison on a regular basis and meet up with the prisoners to share our faith.

    It was an extraordinary experience and we have come to meet up again with some of them after their release.

    But long before that happened I lived in Brixton and prayed that one day I would be able to go into the prison there.

    I long to go in there and assemble a worship band with and for the inmates.


    Over the last 10 years, finding clothes I really love has been so difficult.

    In my brand work, I had the privilege of meeting Johnnie Boden and I dream that one day I will be able to help him start a world-beating men's brand.

    I really would love to create a range of items that were quite expensive but lovely and long-lasting - the kind of things you just love to put on and will be able to pass to your sons or daughters, when you die.


    I grew up sailing on Lake Windermere with my Dad.

    I’d love to do one of those flotilla holidays, with some families we know in Edenbridge, where each family takes a boat and you sail around the Greek islands or somewhere similar.

    Diving into turquoise waters, sailing merrily along in a strong breeze, then pulling into a small harbour for a meal at a taverna where we can play music.

    Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.


    I have a long-standing connection with this 5* hotel in Scotland. As far as I know, my grandfather used to stay here every year and book the room directly above the front entrance – that was the kind of thing he loved to do.

    After university, I joined a production company in Aberdeen and managed to get a commission to make a promotional video for them.

    I long to return there one day, with the family - driving up the drive in a green Bentley turbo to stay for a long weekend where we have the run of the place and can enjoy it without regard to the cost and somehow the bill gets paid!

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